Many of our candidates are referrals from people we’ve placed in the past who say we’re amazing matchmakers and know that we don’t rest until our candidates land their dream jobs. Don’t take our word for it, check out our testimonials.

Wrong Job Poison

The Wrong Job is
Poison to the Soul.

The majority of our life is spent at work and what we do is integral to our identity, self-esteem, and even our sense of purpose. Our success, energy, happiness, and health is influenced by the people we spend time with each day ~ Is your job feeding or draining you? A toxic boss or colleague, dead-end position, or uninspiring work will lead to career burnout, thoughts of changing your practice area, questioning whether you want to work in a law firm, and even wondering why you went to law school. It doesn’t have to be that way.

We Want To Know You

You’ll Be Glad
You Got To Know Us.

We don’t see our candidates, law firm clients, or our work as transactional, like some recruiters do. We’ll never present a candidate we don’t believe in 100% and we’ll never push a candidate toward a firm or job that we think is the wrong fit to make a placement. Our reputation and our relationships are our lifeblood.

If you’re feeling like a change may be in order or somehow disengaged, we’ll help get you to a place where you love what you do. We’ll help you engage.

About Christina

Christina Brown

Christina Brown


Before beginning a career in legal recruiting, Christina was a white-collar litigator with the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office. She received a DOJ Director’s Award, trained prosecutors and law enforcement overseas, and was a valued member of the hiring committee in addition to developing an AUSA mentorship program. This experience led to her career in legal recruiting and Christina loves helping lawyers with career planning and strategy, deciding when to stay or go, and when it’s time to go, finding their dream jobs.